Monday, 29 October 2018

Cafe Day

Cafe Day
Hello Again,
Our Cafe Day that we were planning for months we are finally ready. Our Cafe Day is this Thursday the 2nd of November 2018. It is in our big hall. We are having some of our ukulele players playing some songs. We put together a skateboarding video. And we have an amazing person in our class that can play the cello. And the jump jam people are doing a dance for the elderly that are coming ect. We are putting together some baking that they can help themselves to. And have coffee, tea and other cold drinks. I will try and get some photos of the Cafe Day.

Thursday, 25 October 2018


Hello again,
We have made some progress on the garden. We have planted some strawberries. Because we went around and asked classes what fruit they would most like to see in the garden out of all the fruit they would most like to see is strawberries. And we planted some sunflower seeds at the back.

This is how it looks now